I’ve added pictures from today to the end of my Flickr set.
Another successful day! I actually got to a numer of sessions, so they’ll get separate entries. I spent the evening at the Google party at Muriel’s. This is how Google makes a Rum & Coke. With a plastic frozen ice cube that lights up on contact with liquid:
Saw some more exhibitors today, and accumulated more swag. No celebrity sightings today, unfortunately.
I heard a story that the presenter for this morning’s event on podcasting had to cancel last minute. But a lot of people showed up not knowing this, and ended up forming an impromptu discussion group instead. All on their own motivation. That makes me smile.
I also finally got around to officially joining LITA. Yay!
I unfortunately started the day by oversleeping a bit, and missed the beginning of the Open Source Software session. But I picked up on most of it and look forward to investigating some of the software presented further.